Social activities

What social events are there in the SR500 Club?

For Canberra-based members:

Club rides occur on the first and third Tuesday mornings of each month, leaving at around 10.00am from Jindebah Coffee (The Fresh Roast Coffee House), 30 Kemble Court, Mitchell, ACT. For details, contact the rider leader, Stew Ross, on 0419 164 941.

For Melbourne-based members:

  • The Club currently meets once a month at The Palace Hotel, 505-507 City Rd, South Melbourne. These are casual get togethers to meet and chat with other members over a beer and a pub meal. The Palace offers a great range of food (daily specials, and à la carte), enjoyed by many attending members. We meet from 7pm on the last [Tuesday] Wednesday of the month.
  • For Club rides, these are often decided at the monthly meetings, and are usually on the third Sunday of the following month.
  • Also keep an eye on the website’s ‘Events’ section.

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