Membership renewals now due

We’re now two weeks into the new financial year, and if you haven’t renewed your club membership, now is the time!

You’ll be pleased to know that annual membership is still only $25.00.

If you have a motorcycle on a Club Permit, it is particularly important that you maintain your membership. Permits are not valid unless you are a financial member. If your Permit is not valid, then your motorcycle is effectively ‘unregistered’, and there are harsh penalties if you are caught riding an unregistered motorcycle.

There are a few different ways of paying your membership fee:

  1. Cheque made payable to ‘SR500 Club Australia’.
  2. Australia Post money order made payable to ‘SR500 Club Australia’.
  3. Direct bank deposit: Westpac, BSB 033 068, Acct. No. 164 061. Please enter your name or membership number in the Reference field, or e-mail us to let us know that payment’s been made.
  4. Pay by cash at one our monthly general meetings.

If you also wish to order merch and/or pre-pay for this year’s rally, forms can be found on the website: