Monthly Club Rides

Being a ‘social club’, we wish to encourage Club members to meet up and ride together on a regular (or, at least, semi-regular!) basis.

The Club endeavours to schedule rides for the third Sunday of the month (unless riding to a specific event).

However, we also need the support of members to make this work! Everyone has a favourite ride, or bit of road! If anyone would like to come forward with a suggestion for a ride, and/or would like to lead a ride, please let us know, or specifically, our Club Ride Captain, Tony Jones (0419 150 669).

Tony will happily assist anyone in bringing an idea to fruition, i.e. choosing a date, ride leader, meeting point (see suggestions below), and advertising the ride on the Club website.

A ride doesn’t always have to be to far flung destinations, hundreds of kilometres away. You may wish to suggest meeting up for breakfast somewhere in Melbourne so that the commitment is only for a few hours, and not the whole day. Overnight and/or interstate rides are also options, but would obviously require a bit more commitment and planning.

Some suggested meeting points:

  • BP Western Fwy, Rockbank
  • BP Calder Fwy, outbound
  • BP Cooper St, Epping
  • United West Gate Fwy, inbound
  • United West Gate Fwy, outbound
  • Naked Racer Café/Antique Motorcycles, Cheltenham

Final request: The Club would like a brief report following each ride, for posting on the website, from someone who attended. A photo or two would be good too.